Congrats! I'm also a super-early-riser, especially at times of stress. The focus is good at those hours but I find you pay for it in the end ... Good luck with the rest of the process!

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Thank you Ruth! And yeah I was toast by 5pm which is just long enough to completely forget why one is so tired.

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Amazing!!!!!! Thrilled for you.

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Thanks Abby! Can’t wait to throw the same message back to you soon(ish)!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Danielle Lazarin

Congratulations, Danielle! I'm so happy for you! You have been working dubiously on this project and this post confirms your commitment to the writing process. As a writer, I really need to see this. FWIW 3:30 AM is the witching hour for the wise women to communicate with the beings. It's also around the same time the Buddhist nuns and monks arise to begin their meditations. I'm not surprised you woke up early that day -- something bigger than you needed to be witnessed. I also love the "overused words" section in this post. Very helpful as I am tackling my novel. My current mentor has noticed my (over)attachment to the word "that". THAT is a problem! My biggest takeaway from this post is your wisdom to know that your novel is still unfinished, but is in the hands of the right readers. So much truth and power to that. This helps me as a writer. And congrats on bringing a cat into your lives. As long as you know Archie will be in charge within two years, all should be good. ( ; I'm loving your IG posts of Archie and June. And, as always, the Religion of Office Supplies continues to inspire me. I now have my new reverse whiteboard/corkboard in my office, Expo markers, post-it notes, etc. I seriously would not have purchased these had I not read your post from last month. So, thank you! Enjoy October!

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Caren, your comments are always so generous (not a surprise!), and so lovingly received, thank you! I LOVE this framing as 3:30 AM as the witching hour for wise women. I’ll hold that.

Archie is already in charge. June is working on learning as much.

Funny how we all have our words. In fact I think THAT was one of mine at a time, but no longer, once I became aware of it. Love to hear about your work on the novel and cannot wait to see what you do with it! Thanks for all the affirmations and cheering on.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Danielle Lazarin

Big congrats! And thanks for having us along for the revision ride 😀

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Thank you for coming along to the weird insides of my brain!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Danielle Lazarin

Congratulations! 👏👏

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Thank you Kristin!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Danielle Lazarin


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Thank you Edan!

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